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Our consulting services

Prepare for reporting

ESG Strategy
Prepare your strategic guidelines that will pave the way for your Organisation’s sustainable change

Double materiality (DMA)
Determine your most material matters using tried-and-true Sustainalyse methodology

Sustainability Audit
Assess your Organisation current state and health from a sustainability lens

EcoVadis help
Get your first award or improve your current EcoVadis rating

Carbon reduction strategy
Plan and model your carbon reduction initiatives to understand costs and impacts. Can be used for SBTi submission.

Report and communicate

Prepare GRI Report 
Prepare, gather and structure data in accordance to a Global GRI Standard

Prepare ESRS Report
Compile, structure and present data in accordance to ESRS and CSRD

EU Taxonomy
Our finance and sustainability experts will guide you through EU Taxonomy process

Prepare Sustainability documention
Get help with preparing supporting documention such as Sustainability Policy

Verify your Report 
Get your report professionally verified to make sure it fully complies with reporting standard guidelines

Get ESRS compliant faster and easier

Understand, gather and structure your Sustainability data with ease by utilising our software & dedicated team of experts.